The Final Blog Entry For Bio Enterprises & Employability



What Am I Going to Chat About..

I am going to explain what I have learnt from the various seminars, which I went to.  Also the influence the talks have had on me and my plans for the future.

The Importance and Threat to Native Animals

The seminars highlighted the various threats to our native species and also their importance.  Invasive species are is a major threat to native animals and increasing.  Humans are also having a negative effect on native species.  Education is influencing people and their feelings towards the animals.

I saw this article in the newspaper the other day and it made me laugh..

I was thinking, I already realise that native flora and fauna are battling invasive species ..

But what is the government going to do about it?!


Lack of Funding

The seminars also showed the struggle that conservation projects are having with lack of funding.  Governments need to have an increase in awareness of the importance of native flora and fauna and how importance funding is in my opinion.

The Future for Native Animals

From listening to the various organisations I feel that the future and survival of native is uncertain and dependant on continuation of the precious funding.  In my opinion the red squirrel may not be able to survive a mixture of disease and being outcompeted by greys.  Other species, such as pine martens and beavers have a good chance of establishing themselves into an environment and will thrive.

The Future for Me

Confession… I doubt I would have gone to the seminars if it was not for doing the blogs.

I am really glad for the blogs, because I have listened to some really interesting talks that have had an effect on me and taught me a lot!!


The seminars that I have attended were mostly based on conservation in particular on native mammalian species, which is an area that I am keen to be involved in.

Conservation martial that I see are focused on the big conservation icons, such as giant pandas.  I want to in my future career ensure that the native species of the United Kingdom are recognised more by the public and conservation organisations.  I also want to encourage more conservation work to start.  I feel that money which is spent on species, such as the giant panda is being wasted and could be used for species that have a chance of survival.

But that is opening a whole different can of worms..

Moving On..

I am determined to be a part of a team conserving native species, in particular pine martens, red squirrels and beavers.  I have also been inspired to forward an investigation into the possibility of the reintroduction of larger mammals, for example bears, wolves and lynx into the English countryside.

My Ending Message..

… is … I have really been inspired to make a difference.  I am determined to work with animals, be it in a zoo or through conservation.

I will not give up on my dream, so don’t you either!!

I will be continuing blogging (probably in a different blog address) so if you want to follow my journey please do!!  I will be posting up a link to it very soon!!


The World of Business

My first thoughts to writing a business plan was shear horror and..

‘Why is this relevant to my future career?’

‘This is going to be pointless!’

At the Beginning..

I am hoping to become a zoo keeper or involved in conservation projects.  I think a lot of people would presume that writing a business plan would not be relevant in these careers.  These people are very much mistaken..

How I Tackled the Essay..

I haven’t done a business plan since GCSE, so it has been a while.  However, I tackled the essay head on..

After doing a bit of research, I found that in order for a new exhibit to be built a business plan must be written up and proposed to the director of a zoo.  For the essay I thought of how I could show the usefulness of a business plan for my future career. I decided to use an example of a business plan. I came up with a new exhibit for Chester Zoo, called ‘The Madagascan Adventure’.  I described each section and then used my ‘example exhibit’ to show the usefulness of each.


I apologise for the poor quality of photo (not very technically minded), but this how I set out my essay.  The text in the red boxes are my examples and above is an explanation of what information goes into each section.

another plan

Again I apologise for the poor photo quality, but I wanted to show that I used a diagram to assist me in describing a section.  The above diagrams shows examples of people that would be involved in making the Madagascan exhibit and what their responsibilities and previous experience is.

What I Learnt..

I was reminded that a zoo is a business and must make a profit.  In order to do this new exhibits must be developed to attract visitors.  This is when a business plan comes into practice. This essay reminded me of the idea and the set up of a ‘business plan’.  I was shown that in my future career I may have to complete a business plan and how I should tackle it.

The Difficulties I Faced..

It was difficult to write this essay, because I have never written an essay in the style required before. After a lot of scratching of the head, I managed to conquer the essay. To complete the essay I used this idea to help me answer how I thought the different sections would help me in my future career.  I also found completing a business plan quite a task.  I used examples of people that would be involved in creating my exhibit idea.  I cant imagine having to write out every person that would be involved in the exhibit and their responsibilities.

A business plan is definitely quite a task, but useful for organising and planning a new idea!!


Illegal Hunting And The Bush Meat Trade: A Major Crisis!!

‘Illegal hunting and the bush meat trade: an emerging crisis in African savannahs’

Presented by Peter Lindsey

Illegal hunting and the bush meat trade is a major crisis in Africa. Data has concluded that forest habitats are being affected by illegal hunting and trade. However, new information has also shown that savannahs and wildlife are being severely affected from illegal activities (Lindsey, et al., 2013).

The top 3 methods used to hunt animals are: snares, dogs, bows and arrows. Snares are a popular method, because they are cheap and hard to detect. However, snares are wasteful in terms of the large amount of animals that die. Snares are non-selective in the animals captured and cause a slow and painful death.

This graph shows the amount of snares used between 2009-2013 in various areas of Tsavo National Park (The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, not dated)

Illegal trade has both ecological and economic impacts. Below are examples of ecological and economic impacts:

Ecological Impacts:

  • Edge Effects
  • Wildlife Population Collapse

Economic Impacts:

  • Low Tourism
  • High Human Population Increases Illegal Trade

I have witnessed myself how good a source game ranches are in distributing meat. When I was in South Africa I went to an elephant kill. The elephant had been killed as a ‘trophy’, but the rehabilitation centre and the workers of the rehabilitation centre were able to buy the meat from the ranch. The amount of meat was massive and lasted for my stay and probably many months after I had left. The undesirable organs, such as the intestines were left for the animals in the reserve. Nothing was wasted, which was really important.

elephant pic elephant pic 2

These pictures were taken and belong to Sarah Heritage (2010)

I’m sorry if these pictures are a bit gruesome, but this what is happening in Africa.

If populations were allowed to recover, than the bush meat trade could possibly work (Lindsey, et al., 2013). The increase commercialism and demand in bush meat, shows that urgent action needs to be taken to raise awareness to local people and governments. Failure to do this will result in severe decline of wildlife in savannahs. Along with ecological and economic and social impacts (Lindsey, et al., 2013).

In my opinion bush meat is generally important source of food in most cultures. However, it is now being abused and animals are being captured at high rates. I agree with Lindsey, et al, that if populations were allowed to recover, than this trade could work. Unfortunately, like most natural resources it is now being exploited, by people. I think that illegal hunting and the bush meat trade should have more severe penalties and that more awareness should be raised.

This topic reminded me of the cod problem and the results of overharvesting. The cod population has still been unable to recover and there is some speculation as to whether it will ever recover.

Maybe this is the future for the wildlife in the savannah??

Who knows??

Please join the ‘African Wildlife Conservation News’ on Facebook to keep up to date with news and information on projects



Lindsey, P., Balme, G., Becher, M., Begg, C., Bento, C., Bocchino, C., Dickman, A., Diggle, R., Eves, H., Henschel, P., Lewis, D., Marnewick, K., Matthew, J., McNutt, W., McRobb, R., Midlane, N., Milanzi, J., Morley, R., Muphree, M., Opyene, V., Phadima, J., Purchase, G., Rentsch, D., Roche, C., Shaw, J., Westhuizen, H., Vilet, N., Zisadza-Gandiwa, P. (2013) The bush meat trade in African savannahs: impacts, drivers and possible solutions. Biological Conservations, 160, 80-96


The Grey American Invasion

At the Beginning

Being a zoologist you are meant to love every animal.  However, I really am not a fan of grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis).  In the talk given by Dr. Craig Shuttleworth, he mentioned the problems of grey squirrels, for example loft damage, nest predation (that surprised me) and of course their on-going battle with red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris).  My problem with grey squirrels started when an individual managed to get into the loft at home, specifically the area of the loft above my room.  At night and early morning all I could hear it the continuous gnawing.  IT DROVE ME INSANE!!  Eventually the squirrel was caught and taken away to be destroyed.  When my parents saw the damage left behind they were not impressed!

Diagrams Showing the Spread of Grey Squirrels between 1945-2010 (Red Squirrel Survival Trust)

The Fight in the Rest of Europe

In the talk given by Dr. Shutteworth he mentioned the fight ongoing in the rest of Europe, for example Italy.  Bertolino, et al., (2014) carried the spread of the grey squirrels and what effects they are having on red squirrels.  The study showed that the spread of greys is slower, compared to Britain’s individuals.  The grey squirrels were linked to having an important effect on red squirrels and their extinction from Italy (Bertolino, et al., 2014).  Trade-restrictions and trade bans are being attempted to reduce the spread of grey squirrels (Bertolino, et al., 2014).  It is important that the grey squirrel population is controlled in Italy to prevent them spreading to other countries, such as France.


I think that the red squirrel reintroduction on Anglesey has been a great success.  The population of adult grey squirrels in 1998 on the island was 4,000, with only 40 adult red squirrels.  Grey squirrels have been successfully culled on the island and this has benefited the red immensely.  However, when Dr. Shuttleworth was praising the red squirrel reintroduction, I could not help but think of the two bridges linking Wales and Anglesey.  It was great to hear that the Red Squirrel Survival Trust is planning to start a culling program of greys on the mainland.

The Future of Red Squirrels

When I asked Dr. Shuttleworth the future of red squirrels, he believed that they had one.  The future of red squirrels for me seems to be uncertain.  The reds are under attack from the various diseases, loss of habitat and being out competed by grey squirrels.  If these various factors can be successfully looked at, then red squirrels may stand a chance. Funding is also another problem, which societies, such as the Red Squirrel Survival Trust are having.

As for the greys I do not think they can be eliminated completely from Britain.  There is always going to be a risk that greys are going to be reintroduced from other countries.  I think that societies are going to be continuously controlling grey populations around the United Kingdom.

A Last Note..

Red squirrels will remain one of my firm favourite native species (not being biased what’s so ever being a fellow red head)!  They are beautiful with their tufted ears and gorgeous colour.  I sincerely hope they can overcome the odds!!


Red Squirrel at the Welsh Mountain Zoo (Heritage, 2014)


Bertolino, S., di Montezemolo, N., Preatoni, D., Wauters, L & Martinoli, A. (2014) A grey future for Europe: Sciurus carolinensis is replacing native red squirrels in Italy. Biological Invasions, 16, 53-62



It’s Time To Slay The Dragons!!

Entering the Dragons Den..

The groups were tasked with designing new enterprises for the museum or the botanical gardens at Treborth.

The Plan

The various exercises of the workshop allowed us to talk through and organize our idea.  One of the tasks got us to think of how would market, make money and who are target audience was for the idea.  My group used the museum and we came up with the idea of opening the museum to the public for a fee.  The museum would go through a dramatic change, involving painting and sorting through the mountains of specimens into exhibits.  Another task which we were assigned was to design a video and a pitch to present in front of the other groups and the dragon panel.  The dragons weren’t the scary individuals from the TV programme thankfully.

The Pitch

This was the task, which I was nervous about.  ‘A bit of jitters before the actual talk, is just being human’ – that’s what my mum always says.  We pitched our idea in front of the other groups and the dragon panel.  Also answered any questions that they may have had.  After the pitch the groups and dragons marked our idea and pitching technique.

The Difficulties and Improvements

To make it more realistic I thought that each group should have been given a budget to work with, as this is what happens in the real world.  In the real world people are having to work with a relatively small budget and I thought it would have been good to try this out.  At the beginning of the exercise members of the group were hard to communicate with.  Throughout the day the group continued to get better at communicating with each other.

What I Learnt From the Experience..

I have not experienced anything quite like the dragons den exercise.  It was interesting to see the process that is involved in creating a project and then pitching that project in front of people.  I can see how relevant this exercise will be in my future, for example in my zoo career I may have to design a new exhibit or be a member of a team creating a new exhibit.  I was put with people that weren’t my friends, so it was realistic.  In the future I may be working with people that aren’t my friends, so it was good practice and a learning curve.

The workshop has shown I am continuously learning of how to communicate with people in different situations.



Its Soon Time To Face The Big Wide World .. HELP!!

Sarah Jane Heritage You Have Been Given The Mission Of..

.. to find a job advert that is relevant to the career that I will apply for in the future.  This was quite daunting, because the job adverts that I would apply before would be for zoo keeping, which are like gold dust.  However, after going on the Zoological Society of London career page, I saw an advert for a volunteer position to go away to Namibia, to study different aspects of behaviour of a troop of baboons.  HOORAY!! 

So that was the first half of the task done. – TICK!!

The 2nd Part Of Your Mission..

The next part of my mission was to write a cover letter and a CV applying for the job.  I am dyslexic, so writing is extremely difficult.  What with spelling and structure it is just one massive mess.  I had a ago though and with the help of the career adviser (Dewi) and my learning support worker, I conquered both tasks.

I wanted my CV to be unique, so I added pictures in the top corners by my personal details.  Dewi advised me to add more detail on my current course (Zoology and Conservation), than my other qualifications.  I added details of modules, how they have helped me and the seminars that I have attended (see below).

CV example..


2011 – 2014                Bangor University BSc Zoology and Conservation (Predicted a 2:1)

Dissertation Topic: ‘Stereotypical Behaviour in Captive Bears and how Enrichment Reduces Stereotypical Behaviour’

 Modules including: Advances in Animal Behaviour, Animal Survival Strategies, Principles of Conservation and Wildlife Conservation

The various modules that I have undertaken throughout my degree have developed my knowledge of conservation, the biology of a variety of animal, animal behaviour and evolution.

Attended Seminars on: ‘Beaver and Pine Marten Reintroduction to North Wales’ presented by the North Wales Wildlife Trust and ‘Conservation at Chester Zoo’ presented by the director of the zoo, Dr. Mark Pilgrim

A New Chapter In My Life

When university finishes in only a few months I will be stepping out of education and into my next chapter of my life, work.  Nervous, but extremely excited of this next adventure!  Already I am writing out cover letters to every zoo and conservation project/organisation that I can think of in the United Kingdom and abroad.  I very determined to be working with animals as a career.

How Did The CV Assignment For Bio Enterprises Help?

The assignment was a great help, because it allowed me to improve my CV.  I have written cover letters before in the past for work experience at zoos and a trip to Africa, but never for a job.  This assignment allowed me to practice writing a letter for a job application, which is helpful to me as I am currently applying for a job.

It was an extremely useful task for me and has given me a great perspective on how to go about writing my letters to the various zoos and conservation organisations.